Welcome to Miss Dobson's Social Studies Class!

Presidents of the United States of America!

In class we have been discussing the Presidents of the United States.  We all know that George Bush is our current President, but now it's time for us to learn about all the others!
You are to create a PowerPoint presentation on the President of your choice. You can sign up for your chosen President with me as soon as possible.
You are to research him and find out the following information:
  • President's time in office
  • At least two(2) photos of your President
  • at least 5 fun facts about him

You will present your presentation to the class on May 10th.



When working on your presentation, you may need to access the internet.  Please use the following websites for research:
The White House- Washington:  Find out information on all the Presidents of the United States of America.
From Revolution to Reconstruction...and what happens afterwards:  Research speaches from the Presidents and other great resources!
WayBack:US History for kids: Find out secret facts about the US Presidents!
KidsKonnect- A safe internet gateway for kids: Biographies, First Ladies and more!
CyberSleuthKids.com-The American Presidents: Nearly everything you would want to know about the American Presidents!

Good Luck and have fun!




George Bush is the 43rd President of the United States of America.  He was sworn into office on January 20, 2001 and is still currently in office.
Some things you may not know about President Bush are:
  1. His Father was also President of the United States
  2. He attended Yale and Harvard Universities
  3. First President to begin serving in the 21st century
  4. He is a Republican
  5. His wife, the first lady, is Laura Bush
  6. He owned a major league baseball team before becoming President

Please be sure to ask for help if you need it!